GAS Arabian Services was founded
We began representing Elliott
We began representing Yokogawa
Our first LSTK contract (for Sabic Sharq)
GAS Arabian Services is certified as ISO 9001
Yokogawa Services Saudi Arabia Co. joint venture is established
GAS Vector Saudi Arabia Ltd. joint venture is established
FS-Elliott Services Saudi Arabia Ltd. joint venture is established
FS-Elliott Saudi Arabia Ltd. joint venture is established
Elster Instromet Services Saudi Arabia Ltd. joint venture is established
Elliott GAS Services Saudi Arabia Ltd. joint venture is established
GAS Arabian Services is TRACE certified
Manufacturing facility established for Elster Instromet Saudi Arabia Ltd.
Weidmüller Saudi Arabia Factory L.L.C. joint venture is established.
GAS Metal Tech Facility opens at GAS Garden
GAS Arabian Services is certified as ISO 14001 & ISO 45001
GAS Listed at NOMU Market 9528
TubeFit Engineering Arabian Factory L.L.C. joint venture is established.
GAS Arabian Services signing two contracts with Saudi Aramco for the third phase of Master Gas System Expansion project.
The expansion of the Weidmüller Saudi Arabian factory.